Board Meetings

Our Board meets publicly six times a year and we welcome members of the public to join us.
Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing up until 5pm on the working day prior to the Board meeting.

Members of the Public will also be asked whether they wish to raise a question prior to the start of the meeting, and these will be recorded and provided to the Chairman of the Trust Board. The Chairman of the Trust Board may permit an oral question to be asked at the end of the meeting of the Trust Board without notice having been given.

Non-urgent advice: Our next board meeting

The next Trust Board In Public meeting will be held on Thursday 5 September 2024 at 9:45am. This meeting will be held live via Microsoft Teams. Meeting link to be confirmed.

We welcome questions from members of the public on any matter being considered by the Board. Written questions can be submitted to the Company Secretary up to 5pm on the working day prior to the Board meeting (email Any such questions will be read out by the Chairwoman and a written response provided after the meeting – both will be reported in the minutes. Questions can also be submitted during the meeting using the Q&A function on Teams Live. The protocol for public questions is listed on the agenda.

Board meeting in public

Latest Annual Public Meeting

The latest Annual Public Meeting was held on September 21, 2023 where the annual report and accounts for 2022/23 were presented. The purpose of the Annual Public Meeting is for the Board of Directors, as the current stewards of the Trust, to present on the challenges, achievements, and financial performance of the Trust during the past year.

Board meeting dates

Timings of board meetings are subject to amendment, so please check on the Trust’s website to ensure the date and/or time has not changed or telephone 01872 256343.

Members of the public are welcome to view the live stream of the Board in Public meetings’

We welcome questions from members of the public on any matter being considered by the Board. Written questions can be submitted to the Company Secretary up to 5pm on the working day prior to the Board meeting (email Any such questions will be read out by the Chairwoman and a written response provided after the meeting – both will be reported in the minutes. Questions can also be submitted during the meeting using the Q&A function on Teams Live. The protocol for public questions is listed on the agenda.

2024 – 2025:

  • Thursday 2 May 2024
  • Thursday 4 July 2024
  • Thursday 5 September 2024
  • Thursday  19 September 2024 – Annual Public Meeting
  • Thursday 7 November 2024
  • Tuesday 7 January 2025
  • Thursday 6 March 2025

Board meeting papers





For earlier board meeting papers, please view our Board Meeting and Papers Index.

Trust Board and Staff Members Declarations of Interest

“Trust Board Members Declarations of Interest are reported to every Trust Board meeting. A copy of the latest Declaration can be found with the Board meeting papers. The Trust also publishes the Register of Interests and Register of Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship for Trust staff. This keeps us in line with our Gifts, Hospitality, Sponsorship and Declarations of Interests Policy.

Page last reviewed: 19 July 2024

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